I was challenged a few weeks ago by several of my author friends, to write a book in thirty days.  I love a good challenge.  NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for 2018 begins November 1, 2018 and carries on to the end of the month, an annual writing contest.  I accepted the challenge, entered the contest, and as of today, I’m a week ahead of schedule with my preparations.  The book is outlined, characters defined, plot and sub-plot laid out, social media images created and applied, book cover and video trailer created, and I’m set, ready to rock and roll.  I have exactly 30 days to write this book, and hand in the rough draft of a minimum of 50K words.  I believe I can do it, if the phone doesn’t ring to beckon my attention, nobody knocks on the door, my chores are done, meals prepared in the fridge or freezer, and my husband agreed to hand me food and coffee for the entire month of November.  

You can find me on the NaNoWriMo website by searching for my ‘handle’ which is simple enough, considering I’ve used my full name with no spaces … or, you can click my name here and send me a writing buddy request … LailaDoncaster

Below is a short blurb about this new book, the cover image, and the book trailer as well … yes, I’ve been a busy bee, and I’m pumped!  

Cover Image for “Sing Me Home” 

Book Description for “Sing Me Home” 

“Passion for music put him in the wrong bar, on the wrong night.  Murder.  A life sentence for an innocent man.  His guitar sang death row to their doom.  Free in a world he knows nothing of, musical memories haunt him.  A cowboy’s song was all he needed to give up the ghost.  Sing Me Home, was his last request.” 

Book Trailer for “Sing Me Home” 


This project is scheduled to commence Nov 1/18 during #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and will release to the public upon completion of the contest, as well as the editing, polishing, proofreading, formatting, and publishing processes. 

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